
GCSE Media

Our Coursework was comprised of two parts. One part was to create a magazine cover and contents page and the second was to create an album cover/back cover, Insert page and Interview page.

A Level Media

Our first A Level production required us, in groups, to create a film opening for a thriller. Before we could film we had to conduct research that would help us make our opening conform to the codes and conventions of real media productions. Once the opening had been completed we then had to evaluate our performance.
Production Logo

UV Portraiture Shoot

Long exposure experiment
UV Portrait

Architectural Formalism

Paul Strand Recreation (Formalism)

This image was inspired by posts that I have seen on Instagram; in particular the @London feed which is dedicated to the photographers of London.

A-Level IT

For my A level IT project I was required to create a spreadsheet model for an imaginary organisation. I chose to base mine on a tea restaurant because I am genuinely passionate about tea, above are some screenshots of my work.


I am part of the Communications and Media department at my church where I have multiple roles; including designing graphics that will be displayed during the service or creating event posters. We run a weekly live stream which I also dedicate some of time to.


Pathfinders Day

Carolling at Trafalgar Square

The church website on which we live stream our services every Saturday.

Created By
chevander coba

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