Fast Back Beach By: Shirlee SMith Matherson


  • Miles: Main character of the story. He gets in trouble for being involved in stealing a car
  • Spider: Another character in the story. Hes a bad kid and gets in trouble alot
  • Larry: Miles calls him larry the lark. Hes a bad kid to and gets in trouble. Steals alot along with Spider
  • Kenny: Miles girlfriend


The story started out on a beach. Then it moved into Miles working in and old mans basement. Then it moved into Miles in the old mans garage.


Miles Derkach is in trouble. Along with two friends, he stole a car and went joyriding. When the dust clears he is all alone. His so called friends have left for him to take the blame and the punishment. Miles is then put on probation and sentenced to community service. For community service he starts working for an old man who after suffering a stroke and not being able to drive, has kept his beautiful hot rod under covers in his garage. Seeing a chance to learn about cars and pursue his dream of becoming a mechanic, Miles helps restore the hot rod. When the hot rod is stolen and Miles is the prime suspect, that he must confront his so called friends and stand up for himself


Created with images by bsabarnowl - "0445 1937 Packard Modified" • wka - "Beach"

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