
Roger Stone 罪有應得的現世報 【中英對照翻譯】

來源:ZeroHedge, February 10, 2020

作者:Tyler Durden

新聞翻譯:ignoreme; PR:千钧一发


簡評:提起Roger Stone,戰友們並不陌生。Roger Stone曾經毀謗文貴先生,文貴先生將其訴諸法律,最後文貴先生放棄了1億美元的追償,接受了Roger Stone的道歉。2018年12月18日,文貴先生公佈了Roger Stone先生的道歉信,「這是美國著名媒體政評人士Roger Stone先生在過去一年多里受Bruno Wu吳征,造謠、誣陷文貴……被文貴起訴後的百分之百的道歉及合解書。Roger Stone先生受Bruno Wu吳征的影響傳播百分之百的假信息,在媒體上說我給希拉里女士送錢,克林頓先生送錢,等一系列的虛假信息。並說我是罪犯,犯罪分子,造成了極為惡劣的影響。後來文貴釆取法律行動,對Roger Stone先生進行訴訟追求他法律責任。Roger Stone先生通過律師多次找文貴,要求和解,並願意公開道歉,並願意在華盛頓郵報、華爾街日報、紐約時報、登報公開道歉。我相信Roger Stone先生先生的道歉是真實的,是真誠的,我接受了他的道歉。但是他百分之百的造謠!來自於百分之百的共產黨的間諜特務吳征。我將對吳征追償更多的損失和傷害賠償,並揭開為CCP做間諜工作的真相,用事實證明吳征是為中共效忠的間諜特務。郭文貴永遠不會在任何事任何人面前甘受欺辱,同樣也不會惡對任何人。一切都是剛剛開始!」

Roger Stone 給文貴先生的道歉言猶在耳,Roger Stone 就因為脅迫證人和對國會撒謊被檢察官定罪。Roger Stone是美國社會名流,也與川普總統的盟友,但仍然被判定有罪。即使川普總統認為對Roger Stone的判刑過重,估計對鐵面無私的檢察官也沒有絲毫影響,甚至可能有負面影響,由此案例可對美國法治窺得一斑。雖然美國法治有很多不完美之處,但其相對公平公正。財富、權力、聲譽和人情都與法律的天平無關,法律只認事實、只看證據。沒有共產黨後的新中國,如果我們也有能有美國式的法治,把有權有錢有勢的人都關在法律的籠子里,中國人民就幸甚至哉了!

Prosecutors Recommend 7-9 Year Prison Sentence For Roger Stone

檢察官建議對Roger Stone判處7-9年監禁

The prosecutors who successfully convicted Republican strategist and decades-old Trump pal Roger Stone on charges of witness tampering and lying to Congress are now lobbying the judge presiding over his Feb. 20 sentencing to give Stone seven to nine years in prison.

檢察官成功將共和黨戰略家Roger Stone這個川普多年的好友定罪,指控他脅迫證人和對國會撒謊,現在正在遊說將在2月20日宣判的法官判處他7-9年監禁。

In the sentencing memo, the prosecutors make clear that they're recommending such a hefty sentence for relatively benign charges because of Stone's insistence on speaking out in his defense (though he didn't testify at his trial in November). Specifically, the lawyers cited Stone's expressed "contempt" for the legal system.


Writing in the Daily Caller, former Rep. Bob Barr (no relation to the AG) defended Stone, and reminded the world that he remains silenced under a federal court gag order that prevents him from publicly saying anything about the conviction last November. The former Republican strategist and early Trump booster is awaiting sentencing for up to 20 years on Feb. 20. The sentencing has been called the last "loose end remaining from the Mueller investigation."

前眾議院議員Bob Barr(與民主黨無關)在《每日電訊》寫到,他為Stone辯護並提醒世界,由於聯邦法院的鉗制,他只能保持沈默,這使得他對於去年11月的定罪不能公開發表言論。這個前共和黨戰略師,早期的川普支持者正在等待2月20日最重長達20年監禁的判決。判決被稱為最後的「Mueller調查中剩下的一個尚待弄清的地方。」

Barr added that it's also the last travesty of the Mueller probe.


One more thing: Stone was never charged with any real crimes. Essentially, he was charged with lying to Congress during a voluntary appearance in 2017, and another bullshit charge of witness tampering (the individual ended up testifying against him anyway).


Here's a summary of the circumstances surrounding Stone's charges from the AP:


Prosecutors alleged Stone lied to Congress about his conversations about WikiLeaks with New York radio host and comedian Randy Credico - who scored an interview with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in 2016, when he was avoiding prosecution by sheltering in the Ecuadoran embassy in London - and conservative writer and conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi.

檢察官指控Stone向國會撒謊,因為他與紐約電台主持人兼喜劇演員Randy Credico,保守派作家陰謀理論家Jerome Corsi關於維基解密的一次對話。 Randy Credico曾在2016年採訪維基解密創始人Julian Assange,當時Assange 正爲了躲過起訴藏身在駐倫敦的厄瓜多爾大使館。

During the 2016 campaign, Stone had mentioned in interviews and public appearances that he was in contact with Assange through a trusted intermediary and hinted at inside knowledge of WikiLeaks’ plans. But he started pressing Credico to broker a contact, and Credico testified that he told Stone to work through his own intermediary.


Earlier testimony revealed that Stone, while appearing before the House Intelligence Committee, named Credico as his intermediary to Assange and pressured Credico not to contradict him.


After Credico was contacted by Congress, he reached out to Stone, who told him he should "stonewall it" and "plead the fifth," he testified.


Credico also testified during Stone’s trial that Stone repeatedly told him to “do a ‘Frank Pentangeli,’” a reference to a character in "The Godfather: Part II" who lies before Congress.

Credico還在對Stone的審判中作證說,Stone一再的提醒他要當「Frank Pentangeli」,這是「教父2」中的一個在國會前撒謊角色。

Prosecutors said Stone had also threatened Credico’s therapy dog, Bianca, saying he was "going to take that dog away from you."


In the memo, prosecutors claimed that Stone displayed "contempt for the rule of law" after his indictment. Stone was the sixth Trump associate or employee to be convicted in the probe.


DOJ's Roger Stone sentencing memo suggests 7 to 9 years in prison is just: 'When his crimes were revealed by the indictment in this case, he displayed contempt for this Court and the rule of law' .

司法部的Roger Stone量刑備忘錄建議7-9年監禁是合適的:「當本案的起訴書揭示他有罪時,他表現出了對法庭和法治的蔑視」。

Following Stone's conviction, Trump tweeted that his case exemplified “a double standard like never seen before in the history of our Country."


But for everybody complaining about corrupt President Trump pardoning his disgraced allies.



  1. Paul Manafort在監獄里可能會死在裡面
  2. Mike Flynn即將入獄。
  3. Roger Stone正在被摧毀,破壞,也將入獄。
  4. Donald Trump會讓他們所有人腐爛掉。
