Joshua Horseman Marketing Student At THe University of FIndlay

Initially, I came to Findlay to be a Student- Athlete for the University. There is nothing like being apart of a great team. Throughout my time as an athlete I learned great communication and teamwork skills. I incorporate these skills into everything I do.

During my freshman year I started working at Lowes as a Customer Service Associate. I worked in 3 different departments during my time here due to a need in different areas. This gave me the skills the adapt quickly because each department requires a different knowledge and skill set.

During my final year at the university I began working as a Sales Consultant for a franchise of AT&T. Currently, I am still working here and loving the sales environment. Everyday is about attaining the goal I set the day before. It is very competitive and I absolutely love it.

Digital Design

The next few images will show some of the work that I have done with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign throughout my time at the University.

Reach out to me through LinkedIn


Created with images by JeepersMedia - "Lowe's" • JeepersMedia - "AT&T ATandT"

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