Sunridge Middle School February Newsletter

Stay in School Infomercial

Starring: Mr. Gundlach's Film and Photography Class

8th Grade Assembly

On Friday, February 24th, Sunridge hosted an assembly for 8th grade students regarding appropriate relationships. Brad Henning, noted speaker and author, presented Don’t Take Love Lying Down, a presentation for middle and high school students about making and keeping appropriate relationships. Mr. Henning has visited Sunridge for the past 20 years and has been speaking throughout the Northwest to adolescents for 30 years. More information can be found on his website through the following link:

Rotary Speech Winners

Each year our 8th grade Honors Prep English students participate in the Rotary 4-Way Test Speech and Essay Contest. This year’s winners are:

Madeleine Richter – 1st Place

Chelsea Kendrick – 2nd Place

Gracie Broadfoot – 3rd Place

Madeleine will be presenting her speech at the Pendleton Rotary Luncheon on Monday, March 20th.

Wildhorse Foundation Grant

The Wildhorse Foundation Trust recently granted Sunridge a classroom set of Google Chromebooks, a charge cart and wireless printer for Mr. Scanlan’s 6th Grade English Language Arts classes. Sunridge is extremely grateful for the support! With this grant, all students at Sunridge will now have access to and be able to utilize a Chromebook in their ELA classes.

Sunridge PBIS: Semester Honors

Sunridge Middle School is committed to the principles of school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). As such we seek to maximize student success through positive relationships and proactive instruction that teaches and recognizes students that are ready to learn, respectful and responsible. As part of this, we teach and reinforce school-wide expectations in coordination with systemic rewards and recognitions including Bronc Bucks, No Tardy Parties, dances, Bronc Pride Activity Hours, and the Sunridge Snack Shack.

As we pass the halfway point in the year, another set of more traditional recognitions that we have are our semester honors. These include Perfect Attendance, Principals List for 4.0 GPA, and Honor Roll for students with a 3.5 or higher GPA. Student receive a certificate and have their names published in our local newspaper, school Facebook page, and office bulletin board. During the first semester 98 of our students had perfect attendance on the year, 254 (one third of our student body) made Honor Roll and of those, 76 had a perfect 4.0 GPA (or straight A’s)!

6th Grade Award Winners

To recognize the students who have managed to do it all, we also introduced our newest recognition: the Sunridge All-Around Champions. These eighteen exceptional student had perfect attendance, behavior and grades: Rebekah Edmonds, Victoria Edmonds, Olivia Elrod, Caleb Golter, Kyra Jackson, Kirsten Mendel, Kendall Moore, Tatum Paullus, Caleb Picken, Caitlin Pratuch, Aleece Primmer, Madeleine Richter, Shaelynn Silva, Keirsen Spencer, Adelaide Tesch, Abigail Thorne, Callie Umbarger, and Sammantha Wilks. Way to go Broncs!

All-Around Champions: Perfect Attendance, Behavior, and Grades

Box-Tops for Education

Sunridge just completed our winter Box-Tops for Education drive. Thank you to the many parents who helped support this drive! Sunridge is always accepting Box-Tops. The wining advisory classes in each grade received a pizza party for their efforts. The winning advisories were:

6th Grade: Mrs. Nelson

7th Grade: Mr. Wolotira

8th Grade: Mrs. Robinson

Glow in the Dark Dance

This Friday, March 3rd, Sunridge will be hosting a Glow in the Dark Dance from 6:00 – 8:00 PM in the Commons. Cost is $4.00 with a Bronc Buck, $5.00 without.


March 3rd, 9:00 AM 6th Grade Concert

March 7th, 7:00 PM 7th/8th Grade Choir/Orchestra Concert

March 9th, 7:00 PM 7th/8th Grade Band Concert

Gossip: Don't Do It!

By: Mr. Gundlach's Film and Photography students


Mr. Gundlach's Film and Photography Students

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