Good Life Tour of The Florida Museum of Natural History's Butterfly Exhibit By: Zach Strayer

Picture of Butterfly taken at the Florida Museum of Natural History

After being immersed in beautiful enclosure of the Butterfly Exhibit at the Florida Museum of Natural History the most unique thing that caught my attention were the beautiful designs illustrated on the wings of the butterfly's. No single butterfly was the same but they were all beautiful in their own way. What I took from this is that nature is a lot more intricate and beautiful once you submerse yourself in it instead of visually seeing it through a different medium, such as the national geographic channel. I found this to be more enjoyable than watching it on TV because you explore the scenery and nature at your own pace, giving you time to pay attention to the subtleties that occur in nature, that you would otherwise not see if you were watching on a program on National Geographic.

Picture of a bird taken at the Florida Museum of Natural History

As I ventured through the museum, I did not see myself looking at the exhibits or elements of nature as commodities for economic gain. The museum instilled a strong connection between me and nature that empowered me to feel remorse for the horrible atrocities that mother nature is suffering all over the world. It showed me that people and nature have interacted since our creation and that to take nature away from the human experience is to take away the origins of human nature. Overall, this connection with nature that was instilled on me gave me a sense of ethical responsibility for the environment and how we as a generation should go forward in preserving such a beautiful aspect of our lives.

Photograph of an Owl Butterfly at The Florida Museum of Natural History

By visiting the exhibits, such as the butterfly exhibit, at the Florida Museum of Natural History you are taken out of your inorganic life that has been overtaken by the bombardment of technology. People now are so over consumed by their phones and other gadgets they forget to realize that there is a lot more out there than what Sarah just ate at Relish. By being submerged in these natural enclosures you are taken away from the material world into the natural world. This allows us to appreciate the mystery and majesty of the natural world by experiencing it first hand for ourselves. It allows us to go back to our origins and understand at a rudimentary level of how the different ecosystems function within the natural world. Overall, stepping into the natural world can be a life changing experience that will instill an understanding of certain elements of nature that can be used to understand the world and the universe as a whole.


Created with images by GregGilbert1 - "DSC_0735" • jared422_80 - "Gainesville - Florida Museum of Natural History - Butterfly Rainforest - Monarch on Flower" • GregGilbert1 - "Spice Finch" • RobBixbyPhotography - "Gainesville_9-2-13-8677.jpg"

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