Smile Ave. is a place where people can enjoy themselves without thinking negatively all the time. It brings people off their phones, i-pods, i-pads... and letting people actually bond with each other. We believe that people here should be tested with their minds not tested with their technology. You'll have multiple best friends and you will be happy! Our Motto is: Being positive and having a good attitude will bring you lots of good happiness and bring lots of great smiles! Our mission is that, we believe that a smile is a gift that you were given for a very typical reason. Not many people are given such a gracious gift like a smile!

Living in Smile Ave. is going to be awesome for you and your friends and family members but unfortunately will need to have rules. The rules are:

Be in bed at 9:30 pm because, sleep here is the most important part in Smile Ave. You have three warnings here, the first warning you are off the hook if you did something that made someone sad or unhappy. The second warning is a think time. For the think time you have to write Smile Ave. is awesome! 1,000 times, after that you'll get all long time to ask yourself, why did I do this? Finally the third warning you'll go very far away into this deep, deep, deep dungeon! You'll never ever be seen again!!! The next rule is everyone here has the same opinion. Next rule is everyone wakes up and says three things that they are so grateful for. That will also goes as for lunch and dinner. Next rule is that, every signal day you'll have a service project to do for someone you may not know. One of the last rules are, that you have to be on a limit with junk food. It is okay to have a potato chip, just not everyday. Every signal person in Smile Ave. will all have a limit. Those some of the rules that are so good to have for Smile Ave.!!


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