My Career Research Project By Patrick Horning

My two highest scoring Naviance interests are enterprising and realistic. I think that the realistic interest describes me more than the enterprising because hands on problems and working outside. I think that the enterprising does not describe me as much because I don't like carrying out projects and making many decisions.

I selected a carpenter because I enjoy working outside and with hands on problems. Someone who is a carpenter works with wood and uses their hands.

To become a carpenter you need a high school diploma. Most learn through a 3 to 4 year apprenticeship. But they must complete at least 144 hours of technical training and 2,000 hours of paid on-the-job training.

Being a carpenter does not require and college degree just a high school diploma. Most carpenters learn through an apprenticeship.

Almost all carpenters work full time and this can include weekdays and weekends. You might also work overtime in order to meet deadlines. Extreme temperatures can cause delays and limit the hours of work.

The employment of carpenters is expected to grow 6 percent from 2014-2024. This percent is about the same as all other careers.


Created with images by antmoreton - "wood pile texture" • skeeze - "worker construction building"

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