Birkenstocks: A History Created by: Georgia & Claire

Birkenstocks are a cool shoe that everyone has and if you don't spend $135 on a pair of real birks then u r a chump.

Johann Adam Birkenstock started the shoemaking craft in his family line in 1774 in Langenburg, Germany. Adams great-great-grandson, Konrad Birkenstock, continued the shoe craft with flexible footbed insoles. Konrad opened two stores in Frankfurt in 1896, around 120 after Adam started the original shoe.

The Birkenstock diffused around Germany then, eventually, opened a trading company in California; which is relocation diffusion. After going in and out of fashion, the recent celebrities had started wearing them which caused the shoes to come back into style; using Hierarchal Diffusion.

Along with the other Diffusion patterns of Birkenstocks, they also started to produce nursing shoes to allow nurses and doctors to get the support they need. This is an example of Stimulus Diffusion. One more Diffusion pattern is relocation when soldiers from World War || brought the style of Birkenstocks back to the US after serving in Germany.

The distribution of Birkenstocks have mainly gone to the MDCs or Core country's. With 36 store locations in Europe, 1 in the US, and 1 in Latin America, it is presumed that the stores stayed close to their hearth in Germany.

The prices of the many styles of the shoes range from $95-$230 which further proves the type of customers they appeal to.

Even though Birkenstocks have become a pop culture trend, their original style has not changed much since the beginning of their sales.

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