Filippion Lippi By: Paige Williams

Filippion Lippi was born in 1457 in Florence, where he spent most of his life, and died April 18th 1504. Filippion mostly learned from his father, Fra Filippo Lippi, but he died around 1469 so he did not have a father for the most part of his life. He also studied Botticelli and admired him and his art work. Filippion started painting at a very young age and would help his father in the workshop. After his father's death he went out and started working with Botticelli. I would say that Botticelli is also Filippion's patron. Some of Filippion's most famous works were the The Coronation of the Virgin, Anunciation with Saints, and the Apparition of the Virgin to St. Bernard. In those painting and in many of his other works there is perspectivism and classicism.

This piece is called "Anunciation with Saints", it was created on Janurary 1, 1485. You can find this painting online in pictures, but unfortuentlly it did not say anything about it in muesems. In this peice you can see that there is a vanishing point near the mountains and that symbolizes perspectivism. Also there are arches in the back ground and a lot of symetry which shows that there is classicism in this painting. Also it looks like their is alot of texture in the painting. I think this painting is very interesting because of the color use. There are a lot of colors being used and I like colorful things, that is why I think this peice is so interesting. If you would like to read more about this peice you can go to the link below:

This picture makes me feel happy inside. The colors, angles, and the texture in the painting is very interesting to me. I think it is very cool how the clothing in the painting looks very real and the colors he used to make it delicate and soft but still a big message at the same time. That is why I picked this painting and why it is so interesting to me.

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