A weekend at Slave Lake as photographed by Malissa 2016

June 30 to July 4 we went up to enjoy some cabin time with family at Slave Lake. There was tons of water play both in and on. Hobie's, canoes, motor boats, swim floatable's and all kinds of other water toys.

Crazy Cembra chasing a log in the water.

and shake it off

All the kids were really getting into sand play, trying to build or dig before the water came and destroyed it all.

Hannah was having tons of fun playing at the beach.

aaaannnnddd some more beach fun

coming in from the wild blue (brown) yonder

Time to pull out the bigger toys!! :)

Grampa's enjoying the show

OK big kids had some solo fun, time to let the little kids check out the big toys.

Don't forget to take Simon!!! David will get him to his ship.
Almost there
ok, all's good
heading back to shore

Hey were back, soooooo much fun!!

Daytime fun is over, kids have gone to bed.....time to see what's happening at the lake when its dark and quiet.

Storm clouds on the horizon

Day 2 of weekend fun

Heading out, the first two in the water.

having fun hanging out with the cousins

The lift is in, the boat is on, and it all works perfect.

Yay...float toys

Morgan out fishing with Colin
Gram taking Ryder out into the deeper water to hang out with the older kids.

Supper anyone? Auntie Kari cooks yummy food!!

oh the excitement...walk time
All ready to go
post walk relaxation time

Getting ready to take the kids out with the big boat

Ryder's first on board

Day 3....the saga continues

Quick nasty weather break inside to warm up a little, Grampa is helping Ryder take care of his hot chocolate.

Gazing out at the ugly beauty of rough water, listening to the turbulent sounds of waves rushing in, wishing deep down that the water will calm and we can play again.

Let's go down to the stormy sea, to see what treasures it may bring

Day 4....things are really moving along on the deck project.

But first some beach time fun again, kinda.

quick relaxing break on the new deck


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