Catcher in the Rye BY: Nicholai MAnahan Period: 2

I'm Just a Kid by Simple Plan

This song relates to Holden since he wanted to call all this people he knew but he ends up "not calling anybody" and left the phone booth (Salinger 59). This song says "I think I got a lot of friends But I don't hear from them," Holden mentions a lot of name of people he knows throughout the story but those people does not really care much about him unless they needed him like Stradlater, his roommate. As Holden continues his journey to New York he was alone, left with nothing to do and with no one. The song says "What's another night all alone" same goes for Holden since he was looking to someone to accompany him, such as, the taxi driver or the 3 witches, Bernie, Laverne, and Marty.

Talking To Myself

This song totally connects to Holden as if it was a song made for him since he stated every time he says something, nobody would actually listen to him. There were multiple times it happened, such as the scene with his History teacher Mr. Spence, another was when he was talking with Stradlater in the can, and another example was when he met this blonde girl, Bernice, at the hotel and he was making dancing with her and trying to open up a conversation but "she wasn't even listening... She was looking all around the place" as if she heard nothing (Salinger 71). Same goes as the song goes, "Is anybody out there? It feels like I'm talking to myself" no one actually cared what he feels, thinks, or say. They both relate to how they're always unheard and seemed as if nobody cared. People are usually too busy sharing out their own problems but never bother to care and listen to other people.

All I Ever Need by Austin Mahone

This song connects to the scene where Holden tells us about Jane. He could only think of Jane and he keeps mentioning again and again. He said that when he holds her hand he could only think of her. Holden said "All you knew was, you were happy," when he's with Jane. As for the song the guy says to the girl "You're all I ever need Baby you're amazing You're my angel come and save me," Holden could only think of Jane, and when he talks about Jane they are mostly happy memories, he could remember everything about as if he was so in love with her. The scene where they went to go watch a movie and hold hands.


This song was meant to convey to his parents or it's seeking for one's attention. Holden could not go home and stayed a hotel at New York because he did not want to go home early until his parented hear about his expulsion . In the song he was calling out "Mama, come here Approach, appear. Daddy, I’m alone," similar to Holden, he did not get too much attention from his parents, especially from his mom, since the day his brother died. He felt depressed when he got into a cab on his way to go to Ernie's night club and thought to himself "I kept wishing I could go home" (Salinger 81). Holden wanted his parents to give him the attention that he did not get and be heard of what he wants to say.

Stressed out by twenty one pilots

This song connects to the scene where Holden went to the aquarium and reminiscing the things they did way back when he was younger. He thought that way back then they just "get very happy" and all they did was learn and have fun (Salinger 120). He wanted "certain things to stay the same" since he thought change was unnecessary especially adulthood (Salinger 122). As for the song it says, "Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days," same as how holden wanted to go back to where everything was fine and nothing changed, but now he's "just stressed out" because it's a different world out there when he turns to be an adult. ONe day he'll be waking up in reality, socializing with all this different people, making money for his future.

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