My Study Abroad Story Scotland Spring 2017

I am doing an exchange program at Strathclyde University in Glasgow, Scotland. Glasgow is the second largest city in Scotland, and it is filled with a lot of beautiful Scottish history.

Since living in Scotland, I have had the opportunity to go on many day trips in Scotland that have shown me all about Scotland's history in the cities and the countryside.

This picture in particular is from when I went to Edinburgh, UK and got to walk down the oldest street in the city known as the Royal Mile.

My favorite part of my experience in Scotland, so far, is getting to go to leave the city and see all of the gorgeous mountains and lakes that the country has to offer. This picture is from my hiking trip in the Argyll Forest.

It has been a very neat experience to study in a different country because I have been able to learn how different the education systems are from country to country. In Scotland, university level classes are much different the university level education in America. For example, Strathclyde classes only meet once a week and the teaching semester only last for 10 weeks. After the teaching portion of the semester is finished, there is a 5 week final exam period for students to prepare to take one exam per class.

Since January, I have been able to see so many beautiful places and meet so many wonderful people.

Capturing my experience through videos has been such a fun addition to my trip because I get to relive the things that I do by watching the videos, and I get to share the videos with all of my family and friends back home.

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