Week 6: Koh Bulon Leh and Trang

Where We Went

Making our way north! Gaps are due to ferries and trains :)

Day 1:

Our first day on the bikes in Thailand! We got a somewhat early start and headed north towards Pak Bara, where stayed one night before heading the tiny island ‘Koh Bulon Leh’.

Even though we’re just north of Malaysia, Thailand already seems much hotter and we were baking our first day.

Snakes! Marcy and I saw a giant snake chopped up in the middle of the road.

We stopped at a corner shop for water and shade - and the daughter of the owner brought us out orange soda and snacks! We must have looked pretty pitiful sitting in puddles of our own sweat.

WHAT! Our first Thai beach!

Day 2-4:

As it turns out, Koh Bulon Leh is paradise. Perfect white sand beaches, crystal clear water, and very few people. We ended up spending three days relaxing, swimming, reading, and working on MarcyMoji. Overall, I think we really screwed ourselves by making this our first Thai island - I don’t see how any others could possibly compare.

Day 5:

After lazing around longer than expected on Bulon Leh, we caught the morning ferry back to the mainland and had an uneventful ride to a tiny town halfway to the next major town we were stopping at - Trang.

Thai ferry captain fashion.

Adorable kids on the ferry
Back on the bikes

Day 6:

We had a short ride to Trang, a town which we’ll remember most for the assholes who decided to stay up until 5am drinking and partying in the lobby of our hostel. We’ve reserved a special place in our hearts for the guy who got trashed in the room next to us and wouldn’t stop screaming about how his ‘balls itched so much’. Stay classy, Trang.

Day 7:

After being kept up most of the night, we got a late start and rode north towards our next island destination, which would take us two days to ride to. It was another ridiculously hot day and we spent several hours seeking shelter in a tiny coffee shop in the middle of nowhere before riding to a tiny guesthouse. Next up, our second Thai island - Koh Jum!

What We Ate

Lots of fish! The pancake looking item below was an oyster pancake - take batter, egg, add oyster and fry. Then add bean sprouts and spices and dip in chili sauce - delicious! The cinnamon buns were made fresh every day by a French guy and his Thai wife - a rare instance of fresh baked goods on a tiny asian island. We also found the Mango Bar (bottom left), owned by the one and only (and very much self-named) James Bond.

Created By
Andrew Williams

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