Political Climate Change By: vincenzo talotta

Trump's Opinion

Trump has an open mind to climate change. He says that climate change is a complex subject and doesn't think the people will not know what to do about climate change. He believes there is some connectivity with humans and climate change. With that being said Trump also said that the hottest day was in 98 but with the research given the temperature has gradually increased. For more information press the button.

Trump's Cabinet

Environmental Protection Agency: Scott Pruitt

Scott Pruitt says that global warming is caused by fossil fuels and he wants to cut back on them.

Department of the Interior: Ryan Zinke

Ryan Zinke says that climate change is not proven. He is also infavor for oil and gas drilling projects.

Department of Energy: Rick Perry

Rick Perry says that climate change is an unproven scientific theory.

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My opinion

Personally I think climate change is a real think. The Earth is getting warmer and it will have drastic impacts if nothing is done about it soon. This is not only a topic that needs to be more addressed but has to be. This is because if climate change gets to a point of no return we all suffer. With the knowledge that the research has given me I don't think much will be done in terms of climate change.


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