
Self-Paced Option Stacey Peterson, Monica Padgett, Matthew Monahan

Want to ask a question? Great! Use the link below to access our Padlet backchannel during this presentation!

Don't worry we will be here when its over if you would like to ask us questions in person.

What it looks like

We have block scheduling which allows for the following options each year.

  • 3 courses in 1 school year
  • 2 courses in 1 semester
  • 1 course in 1 semester

We also decided that the "week" for our class starts on Wednesday. This allows us the opportunity to not have to worry about Fridays or Mondays being an excuse for why something didn't happen.


  1. Curriculum Writing- we used three days to sort our courses and expectations
  2. Determine what it is that students are to know and be able to do before leaving your room.
  3. Ours is skills based focus not a content focus.
  4. This is a very front end loaded process, make sure to leave yourself the time to accomplish the tasks.

Click here to shift our units and see the ultimate dream we have in store. (file make a copy)


It doesn't have to be more work for you than it is for them.

Use what you already have, just write out the instruction you would have given verbally.

Use the first three-five days to set-up the expectations and procedures students can expect to see in your course.

  • "ACE" responses
  • Friday reflections
  • Skill-Assessments
  • Google Keep

Don't worry if it doesn't look pretty at first. You can make it pretty later. Just make sure there is a reoccurring flow.

  1. Readings first
  2. Notes/video quizzes
  3. Skill practice
  4. Next set of readings...

Acknowledge when you failed, revamp/plan, and share.

  • Allowing students to pick a prep assignment to be exempt from...fail
  • Having students daily reflect on Google Keep...win
  • Not posting the skill assessment categories on Schoology...fail
  • Using Unit assessments already developed...win!!

PlayPosit of a Schoology Self-Paced Course

Teacher role while this is happening:

  • Common grading for consistency
  • Discuss skill expectations
  • Meeting with individual students on skills
  • Meeting with small groups about how to complete an assignment
  • Meeting with students about time management/ planning


Our gradebook uses the 25/75 weight

  • 25% is preparation- the practice before you play
  • 75% is skill assessment- the main event

Students have significant voice and choice

  • see skill assessment Menu here
  • Preparation voice and choice occurs in the when and sometimes the how-- mindmap v. graphic organizer
Created By
Stacey Peterson


Created with images by Aaron Burden - "untitled image" • Plush Design Studio - "untitled image" • Dayne Topkin - "untitled image" • John Schnobrich - "together now" • javier trueba - "untitled image" • Kelly Sikkema - "Making lego creations from an inspiration book" • David Emrich - "untitled image" • Wes Hicks - "untitled image" • Annie Spratt - "Child reading a book" • Jon Tyson - "untitled image"