The Harn Museum of Art Yael levy

By just viewing a picture of this figure, I wouldn't of been able to fully understand the Fancy Dress masquerades in Ghana. The medium of this art allowed me to get a 3-D and 360 degrees view of the whole entire outfit. I was able to see the different materials and layers up close. By seeing it directly in front of me, I was able to better appreciate the intricacy and detail of the masquerade. I found it striking to see the vibrancy of the colors and just made me think about how innovative the artist must be. The artwork made me feel more interested in the Fancy Dress entertainment masquerades in Ghana and the history behind them.

This back area of the museum was unquestionably the most appealing to me. The soft, warm lighting, accompanied by the wooden infrastructure, and particularly the view brought it all together. The windows brought in the natural light as well and gave me the perfect view of the outdoors. I was able to experience a feeling of being inside the museum yet outside as well. This space to me felt cozy, I felt closer to nature which I am very fond of. Overall the mood that was set was very relaxing.
When I first saw this piece of artwork I wasn't sure what I was looking at but once I read the background and looked at it twice I felt differently. This artwork appeals to my core value of equality for all. This artwork specifically is for feminism and shows 2 provocative feminine portraits, to stimulate female empowerment. I felt proud when I saw this, that a female artist was standing up for mine and all other women's rights in the 20th century. It provoked me to appreciate those who have fought and are fighting still for equality for all.

Immediately once I saw this piece, I thought of Walden and the "thinking about the good life" theme. This image portrays the solitude and beauty of nature. It shows the sublime that transcendentalists saw when they wanted to seek the divine and become one with nature. This work of art reminds me of mindfulness, to be aware of my surroundings and the simple things we all tend to neglect. It makes me greater appreciate the power of nature on human emotion.

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