10 things to know about me By: marco antonio rAmirez Hernandez


I love going out to skate because I like to feel the wind in my face and it makes me feel free.

Mexican food

I like the green mole because it is a typical Mexican food and makes me remember home.

I love basketball because it's fun and gives me lots of exercise

I like THE POMEGRANATE because it is very rich

I like band music because I can dance.

I like the palanqueta because it is a sweet treat that is a typical treat of Mexico.

I like the color red because it is very colorful.

My favorite fruit is the mango because it is sweet and delicious

My favorite pet is the cat because it is very tender

my hobby is to have fun with the ones that I love most - my family, friends,etcetera.

Thank you for reading my story. I dope you learned more about me.


Created with images by milesgehm - "20100912 005 baby ameoba shallow end fun" • Unsplash - "skater ramp sky" • Liga Saesa - "básquetbol" • M. Martin Vicente - "ensalada de granada y escarola" • jl.cernadas - "4289-Mariquita." • avrene - "Red Abyss" • ai3310X - "Red" • Jon Bunting - "red" • bonusphotography - "Diamond cuts." • slava - "Mango HaX0ring" • jill111 - "family children woman"

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