530 Media Project An outreach project connecting community

The Record Searchlight in Redding, California, has had a positive impact on the community and businesses we serve by teaching those less tech-savvy how to navigate our new digital world and join the many community conversations taking place on digital platforms via our 530 Media Project.

Michelle Rogers, a content editor at the Record Searchlight, leads the 530 Media Project.

Our audience includes grandparents who want to see what their extended families are up to hundreds of miles away, parents who want to communicate with their kids on the newest platforms they've migrated to and small-business owners who are wondering how social media can help them reach more customers

Classroom at Pacific Sky marketing in Redding accommodates up to 28 people.

Launched in February 2015, the 530 Media Project in its first year has attracted nearly 600 people to 31 workshops on such topics as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and LinkedIn Basics to Google Drive, Excel, Blogging, Citizen Journalism, Smartphone Navigation and How to Optimize Social Media for Small Businesses.

530 Media Project workshops range from Facebook and Twitter Basics to Instagram, Snapchat, Google Drive and Smartphone navigation to blogging and citizen journalism.

We are proud of our effort because it has answered a need in our community and our audience has expressed its appreciation.

(Feedback on 530 Media Project's Meeup page.)
(Feedback on 530 Media Project's Meeup page.)
(Feedback on 530 Media Project's Meeup page.)
Blogger Sandi Darvell leads a section on monetizing a blog during a Blogger Fair.
(Feedback on 530 Media Project's Meeup page.)
Travel blogger Jessica Skropanic, a newsroom assistant at the Record Searchlight, co-presents as part of a Blogger Fair at Pacific Sky marketing in Redding, California.

The effort has also struck a chord with our colleagues. Editor & Publisher magazine gave the Record Searchlight an honorable mention this year in its "10 Newspapers That Do It Right" for the effort, Media Life Magazine wrote about it as part of its "Reinventing the American Newspaper" series and we have fielded phone calls from other newsrooms interested in duplicating the efforts.

Content Editor Michelle Rogers leads the 530 Media Project. She teaches most of the workshops, but has recruited workshop leaders from the Record Searchlight's editorial staff, as well as experts from the community in marketing and social media for business.

Michelle Rogers leads a workshop on blogging at Pacific Sky marketing in Redding, California.

A partnership with Pacific Sky in Redding provides the classroom space, with 17 computers for hands-on learning, and 28 seats at their facility, and by working with the Shasta County Arts Council, a second, larger space is available and the workshops are recorded, shared on YouTube and televised on the local public access channel on cable TV.

Michelle Rogers leads a presentation on citizen journalism at Shasta County Art Council's Old Redding City Hall.

Anyone interested in participating in workshops can join the 530 Media Project's Meetup group, where workshops are posted and reservations are made. There's also an opportunity to interact with the presenters, other members and write reviews.

Subscribe to 530 Media Project's blog on Redding.com to access presentations and video.

Follow 530 Media Project's Facebook page and Twitter for updates, to ask questions and interact.

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