Content & engagement? Decoding social media speak

People often get confused when social media agencies talk about 'content' and 'engagement'. I often get blank stares as if to say "what does that actually mean Hannah?!"

So, here's what I mean

Content - posts, pins & tweets that make you FEEL something. I'll always opt for 'joy' as a primary emotional motivator, but also compassion, care, inspiration, motivation, happiness, even, love.

e.g We see a post of a cute cat, it makes us happy. We see a post telling us how to get more sales in business, it motivates us.

Engagement - likes, share, comments, @replies

This is the bit we struggle with (usually because we lack time). We might like a few pictures, but we might not engage in a long conversation to help someone. Look at a post and think 'how can I help this person?'. Sometimes it's obvious because they may be asking for assistance (or a recommendation etc) but sometimes it's more covert. How can you help? How can you assist them?

Just talk to people. It's really quite nice.

I'm here to help...genuinely.

I offer a free initial consultation to go through some ideas and see if I can help.

Let's talk


Created with images by Pexels - "call iphone log in" • thetruthpreneur - "girl happy girl happiness" • Alexas_Fotos - "cat face close" • vrijstaat - "Talking"

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