Assessment in the 21st century by paige ehler

Assessment is more than a pile of papers in a basket!

You are MORE than just a TEST SCORE!

"Embedded and on-going assessment is at the heart of project-based learning and provides a way for students to show and discover what they know in different ways"

On Going Assessments to show Growth

Instrinsic motivation

"Students enter today’s classrooms from a variety of backgrounds with a wide range of abilities and interests. Formative assessment helps teachers meet the individual needs of their students through differentiated instruction. Developing the skills necessary for lifelong learning is critical for success in the 21st century. By using formative assessments strategically, students develop the skills to become self-directed learners."

Teach "to REACH" instead of to get points for worksheets.

Showing Growth means you demonstrate the PROCESS of thinking

What are some strategies for us to teach and assess metacognition?


  • "Andrade (1999) offers the following guidelines to help educators teach and assess the higher-order thinking skills of their students:
  • Explain to students what kinds of thinking you expect from them.
  • Frequently discuss and give examples of what good thinking looks like in different projects and subject areas.
  • Ask students to contribute to the criteria and standards you will use to assess their thinking.
  • Give students input into the kind of assessment that would be most appropriate for different projects and units of study.
  • Give students instruction and practice with assessing themselves with the assessments you will use.
  • Assess thinking processes as well as products of thinking.
  • Give students a lot of feedback on their thinking and provide them with opportunities to give feedback to each other."


Portfolio on CANVAS

..."researchers found that a natural consequence of the continuous use of formative assessment is a move toward a classroom where students not only receive regular, useful information about how their learning is progressing, they are also actively involved in activities that help them transform knowledge and skills into personally meaningful learning."

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