
号外! 欧盟宣布将使用马格尼茨基式法制裁侵犯人权者 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:The Guardian《卫报》;作者:丹尼尔·博菲(Daniel Boffey);发布时间:November 27, 2020 /2020年11月 27日



2012年,美国版的《马格尼茨基法案》(Magnitsky Act),对迫害俄罗斯税务律师谢尔盖·马格尼茨基(Sergei Magnitsky)至死的俄罗斯官员实施制裁。该法案的目的是制裁那些严重侵犯和践踏人权的人士进行冻结财产和旅行禁令。近日,欧盟成员国通过临时欧洲版的《马格尼茨基法案》(Magnitsky Act),并将于下月正式实施制裁措施。

今年7月份,美国财政部宣布制裁四名严重迫害新疆人人权的中共国官员,法律依据的就是《马格尼茨基法案》(Magnitsky Act)。同时期,英国政府也开始考虑通过该法案制裁包括林郑月娥在内的香港官员,因为他们在“反送中”运动中对港人进行残酷镇压。

有趣的是,文中提及被俄罗斯国内间谍投毒的该国反对派领袖阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼(Alexei Navalny)告诉欧洲议会外国事务委员会,”欧盟的制裁应针对他的超级富豪同胞们,而不是那些直接参与试图谋杀他的人。”这与我们所说的中共不等于中国,大部分中共党员是奉命行事,应该针对那些中共家族是有异曲同工之妙。只要是与中共为伍,压迫残害中国老百姓的官员,将来必定成为过街老鼠,在国际社会人人喊打。


EU to use Magnitsky-style law to impose sanctions on human rights abusers

号外! 欧盟宣布将使用马格尼茨基式法制裁侵犯人权者

Provisionally approved act will allow EU to freeze assets and impose travel bans


The EU does not currently have the right to enforce travel bans on individuals as the competence lies with national governments. Photograph: Stéphanie Lecocq/EPA欧盟目前无权对个人实施旅行禁令,因为权限在各国政府。照片:Stéphanie Lecocq/EPA

The EU will take on powers to freeze assets and impose travel bans on individuals involved in human rights abuses from next month, after the bloc’s member states provisionally approved a European Magnitsky Act.


The restrictive measures – set to be formally signed off on Human Rights Day on 10 December, marking the 77th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – would target those involved in crimes ranging from genocide and torture to arbitrary arrests or detentions.


A leaked copy of the decision obtained by the Guardian says the legal act “establishes a framework for targeted restrictive measures to address serious human rights violations and abuses worldwide”.


The EU does not currently have the right to enforce travel bans on individuals as the competence lies with national governments, and its other sanction powers are geographically targeted.


The Dutch government initiated a discussion on the EU developing its own version of the US Magnitsky Act last November following a resolution from its parliament in The Hague.


The original US act signed by Barack Obama in 2012 was designed to target Russian officials deemed responsible for the death of the Russian tax lawyer Sergei Magnitsky.

巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)在2012年签署的原版美国法案,旨在针对被认为对俄罗斯税务律师谢尔盖·马格尼茨基(Sergei Magnitsky)之死负责的俄罗斯官员。

Magnitsky was a Moscow lawyer and tax auditor hired to investigate a case of corruption in which a group of interior ministry officials managed to obtain a $230m rebate from the Russian state by fraudulently taking over three companies belonging to Hermitage Capital, an asset management firm.

马格尼茨基(Magnitsky)是一名莫斯科律师和税务审计师,受雇调查一起腐败案件,在这起案件中,一群内政部官员通过欺诈性接管属于资产管理公司赫尔蒂奇资本(Hermitage Capital)的三家公司,並设法从俄罗斯收取2.3亿美元的回扣。

The officials he accused had him arrested and thrown in jail, where he was beaten by prison guards. He died in custody in 2009 at the age of 37 after being refused medical treatment or family visits.


The European parliament has repeatedly called for the EU to adopt legislation similar to that enacted in the US to allow the bloc to target individuals irrespective of their nationality.


The eight members of the Nordic Council – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland – had said they would adopt their own act if the EU failed to agree.

北欧理事会(Nordic Council)八个成员国,丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、瑞典、挪威、法罗群岛、格陵兰和奥兰,曾表示如果欧盟不同意,他们将正式通过他们自己的法案。

Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, which border Russia, already have such legislation.


In 2018 a Magnitsky amendment to the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act was passed by the UK parliament to give the government the power to impose sanctions on people who commit gross human rights violations.


In July, in the first use of the powers, the British foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, announced sanctions against 49 individuals and organisations, including 25 Russians ranging from government officials to prison doctors and Moscow’s top prosecutor, Alexander Bastrykin, a close ally of Putin.

(今年)7月,英国外交大臣多米尼克·拉布(Dominic Raab)首次使用该权力,宣布制裁49名个人和组织,其中包括25名俄罗斯人,从政府官员到监狱医生,以及普京的亲密盟友莫斯科最高检察官亚历山大·巴斯特金(Alexander Bastrykin)。

The EU framework will not carry Magnitsky’s name, following lobbying by the Dutch government which argued that no specific state should feel targeted. Vladimir Putin had been so enraged by the US act that he banned the adoption of Russian children by Americans.

在荷兰政府游说下,欧盟框架未采用马格尼茨基(Magnitsky)的名字,荷兰政府认为任何特定国家都不应感到被针对。弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)曾被美国的法案激怒,以至于他禁止美国人收养俄罗斯儿童。

Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader believed to have been poisoned by the country’s FSB domestic spy agency, told the European parliament’s foreign affairs committee that EU sanctions should target his super-rich compatriots rather than those directly involved in his attempted murder.

被认为已被俄罗斯国内间谍投毒的该国反对派领袖阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼(Alexei Navalny)告诉欧洲议会外国事务委员会,欧盟的制裁应针对他的超级富豪同胞们,而不是那些直接参与试图谋杀他的人。

He said: “There is no sense to sanction colonels or generals or some people who will definitely not travel a lot over the world and don’t have lots of estates and bank accounts in Europe.


“The main question is why these people are poisoning and killing and fabricating the election, and the answer is very, very simple: money. The EU should target the money and Russian oligarchs, not just old ones but new ones, the circle of Mr Putin.


“Just target Russian oligarchs.”



The new EU human rights sanctions regime was agreed by foreign policy experts from the 27 member states on Thursday and will be formally approved by ministers on 7 December, or more likely by written procedure on 10 December.


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】