Isaac Gunaseelan #3 devotion paper questions.

Day 1:1.It is difficult for us to surrender ourselves to God's leading because sometimes we have to do things that we normally would not do just like Mary.

2.Our hesitation says that we don't trust God as much as we should trust him.

3.I always try to think forward not what I miss out on.

Day 2: 1.My parents,my friends,my life,God,school,soccer.


3. I think that because God likes it when we are thankful and when we don't complain.

Day 3:1. No, I do not know what God has for me in the future.

2.Trust in God will help you because sometimes it doesn't make sense but in the end everything comes out good.

3. My level of trust shows the kind of Christian I am. I can read the Bible more or pray more to know God better.

Day4:1. God has done lots of things I wanted to build my confidence in him.

2. Confidence in God's character helps me know that God is always with me and everything will be good.

Day 5: 1. The last experience that made say "wow" was when I saw a very cool car in Almaty.

2. It's so easy to go through the motions of life and not having any wonder it because we just don't care sometimes.

3. Wonder plays a better role in knowing God because we all can know him at our own level.

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