Pneumonia Josh Strobel

What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a unique disease that inflames the air sacs in either one or both lungs, while these air sacs fill with fluids. Pneumonia can be caused by numerous viruses, and is most dangerous in seniors, young children, and those with a weak immune system. Pneumonia can cause death in anybody if not treated.

Appearance of Pneumonia

What is Pneumonia Caused By?

Pneumonia can be caused by a variety of different microorganisms, other diseases, and chemicals. These include, but are not limited to bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma (a specific kind of bacteria), any kind of infection, and certain hazardous chemical agents. If not treated properly, these can reach the respiratory system and cause pneumonia.

Cause of Pneumonia

How Can Pneumonia Be Prevented?

Pneumonia can be prevented by numerous things. However, one of the most effective ways would be keeping and sustaining a healthy immune system. This can be upheld by daily exercise, healthy diets, and sleep. Vaccinations will also help. They can prevent the hazardous causes of pneumonia from reaching the respiratory system if properly distributed. Lastly, absence of smoking and good hygiene (washing hand regularly and taking daily showers) will also contribute to stopping pneumonia. If one already has pneumonia, drinking fluids to thin out the mucus, getting much rest, using prescribed medicine, and relaxing will limit the amount of time that one can have pneumonia in their system. Pneumonia will not stay in a person's body until they die; it is similar to other temporary diseases.

Effects of Pneumonia

What Occurs Anatomically During Pneumonia?

If germs reach the body (due to either a weak immune system or powerful disease), they can penetrate the lungs. The alveoli, or air sacs, become inflamed, and as a result, fill up with fluid. Germs can usually bypass the mouth or nose to make a person sick, and then travel down the trachea. Because pneumonia exhibits symptoms to the lungs, this is when the disease begins to affect the entire body. Oxygen has a difficult time moving through the body as a result of pneumonia, and can weaken blood cells, causing death. If the germs only reach one lung, the type of pneumonia is known as lobar pneumonia, and is not as serious, while pneumonia that occurs in both lungs is known as bronchopneumonia, and must be treated immediately..

Diagram of Pneumonia

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