Prunus serrulata Natali, Alfonso, Emma

Prunus serrulata, simply known as the "cherry blossom", is said to have originated in the Himalayas (where Everest, the highest point on Earth, is located). They exist in the Northern Hemisphere's temperate zone, remaining grounded and centred as they grow. The blossoming of a young adult, just like a cherry blossom

Kensington Market

Kensington market, 4, "is this thing real", ink quill


Created with images by jbcurio - "Newish Kensington Market Mural" • PETERVALADOR - "clothing boutique kensington market storefront" • UnTapping The World - "Toronto's Kensington Market" • Unsplash - "winter ice river" • qimono - "plough street winter" • qimono - "bicycle snow covered"

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