Egret Focused at Merry Pier in Pass-A-Grillle STORY AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROBERT NEFF

Feb. 3, 2017 — Merry Pier is located in Pass-A-Grille, which is the southernmost area of St. Pete Beach. Fishermen, people who stop by to watch or sit and the pelicans, egrets, blue heron, cormorants, anhingas, snowy egrets all coexist here. The pelicans and egrets tend to know when fishing boat is about to return, which means, there are fish to be cleaned, and scraps for them! This egret was waiting patiently and ignored me. His or her focus was on the empty cleaning table.

Egret Discovers the Mixed Media Art Form

Enjoy more stories and images of what I get to enjoy everyday!

Purchase Robert Neff's Photography online at Saatachi Art, Adobe Stock Photography and Fotolia. If you see a photograph that is not there, let me know. I can add the image.

Venice, Italy 2007.

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Created By
Robert Neff


Copyright ©2016 Robert Neff. All Rights Reserved.

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