Rhetoric Scavenger Hunt By:Andrew Andrade


This political ad shows how Trump uses "Make America Great Again" to use patriotism to America to show his interest in America.

Scare Tactics

This is a scare tactic because it shows how Ted Cruz wants to take care of the country before something bad happens.

Emotional Appeal

This is an emotional appeal because it tells us that we can't trust Marco Rubio anymore.

Rhetorical Question

This is a rhetorical questions because you already know the answer to this.


This is an allusion because people don't want him as president.


This is an anaphora because it repeats "the government".


This is flattery because it shows how Jeb Bush wants the country to start acting how strong we are because we are the strongest country in the world.


This is sarcasm because Donald Trump isn't actually reckless and dangerous.

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