Vacation Yessica Flor Hernandez

Beautiful - Peaceful - Crowed - Calm - Fun - Delicious - Sunny - Crazy - Large - Bright - Noise

Acapulco is one of the most beautiful places in Mexico. Many People go on vacation in Acapulco, and that is why Acapulco is crowed; however, many people go there to have a peaceful vacation. In Acapulco, food is delicious. relleno, pozole, pescado a la talla, ceviche acapulquno, picaditas and tacos are most of the common food in acapulco. i think Acapulco can be fun and calm for people that go there and visit, but at the same time it can be little bit noise because there is a lot of people in Acapulco .
Acapulco can be really sunny on summer. when summer comes around, many people come to mexico, and stay in Acapulco. there is a large amount of people that come on that time. you can do a lot of crazy things in Acapulco like trowing your self out of a cliff, diving in the sparking ocean and parachuting over the ocean.
when the night comes, the is a lot of lights that make acapulco look more beautiful at night. You can really have a wonderful time at acapulco with your family and friends.


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