Brain Breaks + Warm Ups Giving those hardworking brains some much needed rest.

"Brain breaks are simple transitional physical and mental exercises designed to equip the teacher with tools to manage physiology and attention of the class and to keep children in the most receptive state for learning" (Weslake).

Mental Brain Breaks

Mental brain breaks take a variety of forms and may be used to increase focus and/or improve fine motor skills (Maskell, Shapiro, & Ridley).

Mental breaks can be learning games or just moments of reprieve for the brain.

Lateral Thinking Puzzles: Offer collaboration, problem solving, and, most importantly, FUN!

There is a cabin in the woods and inside are many dead people. How did they die?

"Our brains are wired for novelty" (Desautels).

Figure out what is happening in this image.

Breathing Exercises

Movement Breaks


Created with images by Hey Paul Studios - "Brains!" • ssshadowcopy - "Brain" • byzantiumbooks - "puzzle" • cfaobam - "Sunset in the Forest" • Scott McLeod - "Question Mark Cookies 3" • PublicDomainPictures - "sunrise sky blue" • RyanMcGuire - "stretching sports woman"

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