Edward Steichen made By: titus duncan

Edward steichen was a photographer who was born on march 27th 1879 and started photography at a young age. after immigrating to the US his father worked in copper mines and soon got sick, so his family moved from Michigan to Wisconsin where he started to practice painting and photography as an apprentice.

in 1900 Edward started his career and met a man named Alfred Stieglitz who bought some of his first photos for 5$ each. they started to help each other until 1917 in 1905 Alfred opened a photo gallery known as 291, named after the address 291 fifth avenue.

things went well for him until 1917 when Edward and Alfred stoped working for each other because world war 1 had started and Edward and Alfred were sympathetic to opposing sides of the war.

in 1947 Edward was named director of the department of photography at the Museum of Modern Art, a position he would hold until his retirement 15 years later.

I found my data on this web page: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Edward-Steichen


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