
earth by lEwis gray

earth trees

Don't chop down tree because the trees give us oxigion and if there is no trees we will die if we plant trees then we wont die.

use electric cars

Use electric cars instead of normal cars so there is less pollution all around the world.

Recycle plastic so fish don't die and don't through rubbish on the floor because birds will choke and die.


Reuse plastic bags and plastic bottles instead of recycling.


Eat less meat to help the environment and the animals.

Turn of all lights when your leaving the house.

Plastic affects every one.

You can through cans,plastic and paper in the recycling bin.

Bottles can be in a land full also bottles can float on a river that goes to the ocean.


Created with images by stokpic - "hands world map" • geralt - "hands earth next generation" • anaterate - "electric car e car e-mobile" • Gary Chan - "untitled image" • bluebudgie - "recycle cups plastic" • jplenio - "light bulb lights bokeh"

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