Good Life Tour of the Harn By: Alex Cohn

Medium of Art/Technique of Artist: Melanie Smith in this piece of art, uses an aerial view to photograph the architecture and density of Mexico City. The view from above the city allowed me to actual grasp the density and shape of the city. Buildings tightly shoved together and (if you see the picture up close) the poor conditions of the buildings, make me feel saddened by the conditions people have to live in.

Design of the Museum: Walking into the Asian Wing of the Museum was a wall made of glass panes. It looked out onto a beautiful garden area with a wooden bridge over looking a pond. The first thing I noticed was the natural lighting that lit up the room. The view from the exhibit made me feel relaxed, and the natural lighting made pieces of art look even better.

Art and Core Values: In this picture by Rineke Dijkstra, she photographed a young girl who was told to act natural. If you look at girl she looks uncomfortable and insecure about how she is posing. It makes me upset that a girl that young can be insecure. She should not have to be worrying about body image that young. Everyone is insecure about something, but its part of who you are. You shouldn't be afraid to show who you are. I try to live a life where I don't worry about being judged. I can't help who I am and neither can you.

Art and the Good Life: Too many people at first glance, the symbol on the object looks like a swastika, a sign that stands out to many as hate. However this is a flipped image compared to the Nazi symbol. This was the original Buddhist symbol, symbolizes peace, not harm. This Buddhist statue is representing peace. To reach the good life you must achieve peace with your self and the world around you. You can't be worrying day to day, you have to come to a medium in life where you are fine with the world and who you are.

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