3 agriculture revolution

The First Agricultural Revolution, also known as the Neolithic Revolution, is the transformation of human societies from hunting and gathering to farming. This transition occurred worldwide between 10,000 BC and 20,000 BC, with the earliest known developments taking place in the Middle East. During this period, humans began settling in to single areas and began cultivating the land, planting crops, and raising animals. Without this revolution there wouldn't be 7 billion human beings and there wouldn't be crops or domestic animals or pets

The second agricultural revolution occurred from 1700 to 1900 in developed countries. used technology provided by the Industrial Revolution to increase production and distribution of products. It was composed of a series of innovations, improvements, and techniques in Great Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, and other neighboring countries. By the 17th and 18th centuries, new crops came into Europe from trade with the Americas, including corn and potatoes.

The third agriculture also called the green revolution was a period in time when new agricultural practices were created to help farmers all over the world. This revolution is going on right now. It is a international effort that is planned to eliminate hunger by improving crop performances. This plan provided new practices that allowed farmers to produce more of the same product within the same amount of land. This meant that the farmers could get more out of their land than they used to.


Created with images by jill111 - "winter barn snow rural" • tpsdave - "tractor grain mixer rural"

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