More than Basic A view of the General Academics strand in Ateneo Senior High School

Before discussing what this strand has to offer, let us first discuss the perceptions of other students to the GA strand

GA Stereotypes

by Leandro Carpio

According to lots of people in the Ateneo senior high, the GA strand is being stereotyped as the less intelligent strand or the strand with the most difficulty in academics. This stereotype started when other strands assumed that the GA strand has the easiest courses and the easiest topics compared to the other strands in the Ateneo. Not only that, since students saw that people who were weight listed were being placed in the GA strand, lots of people assumed that the GA strand was a strand for the least academically inclined students of the Ateneo. Despite all these rumors these stereotypes can be easily disproven because the GA strand has lots of students who excel in there academics and even in extracurricular activities like sports and performance arts. Also the GA strand has college level topics just like all the other strands in the Ateneo making the education balanced amongst the strands of the Ateneo.

Moving on, the next article is about the different subjects that are offered to the GA strand

General Academics: Preparing for the Future

by Matt Canonizado

Ateneo de Manila Senior High School is divided into four different strands that determine the different careers choices for the students of each strand. However, the main focus here is what different subjects the General Academics (GA) strand has in store for its students. This is because students of this strand are given more career choices than the other strands as they encounter these different specialized subjects in their course.

One of the specialized subjects that fall under this strand is Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). This subjects teaches its student about the history of common hazards that happen around the world like earthquakes and typhoons. Students learn about what people must do to prevent these hazards from becoming a disaster. This subject also informs its students about the past projects that have been done to promote resiliency and preparation for hazards knowing the fact they these can happen anytime.

Management is another specialized subject that falls under the course of this strand. Students are able to learn how different companies function and how success is attained by these groups. They also get to learn about the nature of the company and the people who help make the success of the company possible. This subject can make students choose a career of becoming Chief Executive Officers of their own companies or even members of different companies and franchises.

In addition, different CarEx talks that have been delivered during this strand weeks. These talks open the students to choosing the different careers that are prepared for their future. Students are then given more opportunities for better careers.

Last, lets look at the different individuals in the GA strand

Room full of Talent

by Nico Commandante

GA is very well known to be consisted of talented students. A lot from GA are part of extra-curricular activities such as varisty in sports, part of theatre groups, part of OSA, and others.

Numerous students in the GA strand are part of theatre groups such as Dulaang Sibol and Teatro Baguntao. GA students are well known for their skills in acting and their passion to perform on stage. What is theatre? According to Merriam webster’s dictionary, theatre is “a building or outdoor area in which plays and other dramatic performances are given”. But for GA students, theatre means more than just that. Theatre is a passion. Theatre is where you express yourself. It is where different illusions take place as you tell a story. And that is why a lot of GA students join theatre. To express themselves deeply because they have fallen in love with the stage, the audience, the lights, and the play itself.

As mentioned earlier, we are a strand known to be filled with different types of individuals. The strand itself is filled with diverse people that have their own specialty and challenge. I believe that this strand can help those students who are still undecided with what they want in the future. This strand lets you experience a little of each of the academic tracks. It gives students have a view of all things they can have have for college.

- wirtten by 5quad:

Sarah ALvina, Raffi Antig, Leandro Carpio, Nico Commandante, Matt Canonizado of 11-De Brito


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