Utopia Project land of knowledge

Motto and Mission statement

Motto: Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice

Mission statement: To educate all young and old, read every kind of book, never judge a book by its cover.

Member ship policy

Anyone is allowed in as long as they have an interest in reading books and would love to read all day long.


1. Must have your daily book to read at all times
2. No judging any book by its cover
3. You can ask any necessary questions
4. Getting good grades is very important
5. Make smart decisions
6. Must wear uniform anywhere public
7. You must have your street and public library card.
8. You have to give your book back by its date
9. No going to other street library, only your own.
10. You must rate your book on how much you enjoyed it.

Locations: We will be up on a floating island in the sky so that we are not near the average people.

Daily Schedule:

Adults: Wake up and get ready-8. Grab book that you picked from the library. Go to work-9. Hour reading time. Work. any yoga, Work out, or sports. Go home and have free time with your family-6. Read in bed. Bed time is from 8-10

Children: Wake up and get ready-8. Grab your book. Go to school-9. Hour reading time. Hour EXERCISE. Get home for free time. read books. Bed time is from 8-9.

Panel of Judges: There are elders that vote on making decisions.

Persuasive Appeal: If you're that person that always has a book in their face wherever you go, this is the perfect place. Reading is always allowed, nobody will cut you off when you get to an exciting part.


Created with images by DariuszSankowski - "knowledge book library" • david.orban - "Bookshelf" • geralt - "toronto canada tower" • jarmoluk - "old books book old" • starmanseries - "A Shelf of Books" • jill111 - "stack of books vintage books book"

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