Repitition - repeated elements of art: shapes, color, textures, lines, forms, values.
Movement - how the elements are arranged to direct the viewers eye throughout the art. Could be in a "V" "X" "T" shape or an organic line.
Balance - What does it mean for a piece of art to be "Balanced"? How do we make art Balanced (types)?
This is an example of Balance you can tell the balance with the colors
Variation - The elements in art need to be varied but harmonious. Ex. Different width lines, various selection of sizes with the shapes, different shades of a color, etc.
You can see the Variation in this photo by all the different fruit and vegetables.
Dominance - Also called "Emphasis" or "Center of Interest." One aspect of the picture needs to stand out. This might be done though contract of size, color, value, texture. This is the most "eye-catching" part of the picture. Illustrate and explain this on you page.
The eye popping blue raspberry is a great example of Dominance
Ecomony - This is purposefully leaving aspects of the original image OUT as you draw or paint in order to allow the Center of Interest to stand out and to create the Line Movement you desire. Find examples of art that has purposefully left out parts of the image to direct the eye accorningly.


Created with images by VasenkaPhotography - "Chicago Art Institute" • Bradley H - "Repitition" • erix! - "Balance" • qimono - "sushi take away food"

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