Celebrities from long ago:) What celebrities do you know ?

Do Monroe Junior High students know celebrities from long ago ?

My Research

I researched celebrities from long ago. I was interested in this topic because I wanted to know how many people knew celebrities not only from today but from years ago. The purpose was too see how many people know celebrities from that long ago. I asked the question "Do middle school students know celebrities from long ago ?" To answer that I asked 9 people. It was made up of 5 boys and 4 girls. I avoided bias by a random group generator.

Grade Level


I was expecting to find most people knew today celebrities than older celebrities. I did find what I was expecting. I was still surprised to find that some students knew celebrities from the 40's.

Do they know this celebrity ?

My survey did achieve its purpose. This is because I was trying to find out how many people would know celebrities from long ago. In which they did. There was many celebrities I put on my survey that I did not think people would know and they ended up knowing them. I think that the results can be applied to everyone in population.

Do you know what two things this person was famous for ?

This is because there are middle school students most likely in every school. So this survey is for middle school students all over the population. The results of this survey can be used for seeing if middle school students know celebrities from long ago.


In conclusion if I were to do this survey again I would change some of my questions. Only because I think I put too many ones from today that students already knew and not enough from earlier years. I think if I put more of the people from years ago my results would've came out more accurate to my topic.

Justin Bieber
Jennifer Aniston

The end, and the end ;)

All in all I think my survey turned out mostly how I was expecting it to turn out. There was some things that actually turned out very accurate than others . One of them was when I asked if they knew Justin Bieber that was pretty accurate. But than I asked if they knew Marilyn Monroe and that turned out way different than what I was expecting. Most people knew it was Marilyn Monroe. And at the minimum three students knew one of them was Katharine Hepburn. I didn't think they would know that.

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