Audio it's always around you!

So what is audio you might say? According to 'thefreedictionary', "it is of or relating to recorded, transmitted, or reproduced sound." Would you believe it's always around you if I said it is? The Pew Research center says, "the American public’s consumption of audio content, which includes radio news and talk shows in addition to music, sports and other programming, continues to increase." It has always been around but as time has passed the more surrounded we are by it.

According to data from Edison Research, the percentage of Americans 12 years of age or older who have listened to online radio in the past month has once again continued to grow – rising from 53% in 2015 to 57%.

According to the, " traditional AM/FM radio is – and by a large margin – the most common form of in-car listening. Just 8% of listeners in the car named online radio as the source they used most often and 12% named satellite radio, compared with 63% who named AM/FM radio as the audio source they turned to most often. That is up only slightly from 60% in 2015."

How would you say you heard about the presidential election and kept updated with it? A good 44% said they listened tot from the radio in the past week. That to me is really close to about half being updated about it through a radio because a lot of people travel through cars and listen to what the stations have to say on between songs, I know I do. But the radio has also outpaced both national (23%) and local (29%) print newspapers, although it trailed local TV news (57%) and cable TV news (54%).

Spot advertising are ads that are aired during the radio broadcasts, which has lowered while digital Revenue has gone up. Spot Advertising is still 3/4's of all radio revenue. The radio still gets listened to a lot.

If I were to ask you again Would you believe Audio is always around you, would you believe me now. Whether it's in the car, someone next to you listening to it, yourself, someone down the hall, a floor under you, on your laptop or even phone it's around you and readily accessible!

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