Nucleic Acids By abby line

What are Nucleic Acids?

Nucleic Acids are the basic building blocks of life. Nucleic acid is an organic compound, made up of small units called nucleotides. These small units can create long chains that can help form the compound. One type of Nucleic acid is DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid), which is a long chain of you genetic information found inside of your cells. Inside of each nucleotide, you can find three separate molecules; sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogen base. Below is an example of what the structure of Nucleic Acids look like:

This picture shows examples of the structures of Nucleic Acids and DNA and RNA, two different types of Nucleic Acids.

What do Nucleic Acids do for Your Body?

Nucleic Acids are especially found in DNA and RNA, storing and transmitting the inherited genetic information from your parents. When you pair up with someone, your genetic information will be transmitted and mixed with the other partner to create a child.

How were Nucleic Acids Discovered?

Nucleic Acids were discovered in 1868 by Friedrich Miescher, while isolating a white blood cell.

Where are Nucleic Acids Found?

Nucleic Acids are found inside the nucleus of a cell. Nucleic acid is found externally from different plants and animals.


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Abby L

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