The Black Pearl Book Review by Gilverto,mms

If you were in a boat all alone and knowing how Ramon feels, would you be by Ramon’s side?

The book is called The Black Pearl by Scott O'Dell. Ramon Salazar wants the black pearl of heaven, but the Manta Diablo is putting obstacles in his way. So, he’s trying to find a way to be safe so he doesn’t get hurt.Then Ramon gets over the obstacles and reaps the black pearl. However, bad luck arises after his conquest

My favorite part is when Ramon finds the black pearl. In the middle of the water in, the middle of nowhere in the Vermilion Sea underwater. Ramon’s friend said, “In my life i’d never seen such a monster It is the grandfather of all oysters that lives in the sea”. Roman never gives up on his dream no matter what suggestion. To keep on trying and trying until the work is done.

Ramon shows inspiration, bravery by not giving up, trying to look for the pearl of heaven, and facing the Manta Diablo. (the Manta Diablo is the person that is trying to stop Ramon by getting the pearl of heaven), Ramon exemplifies a strong character of determination. The character inspires his readers to not give up on something important. For an example Ramon Salazar never gives up on finding the black pearl in spite of Manta Diablo. Ramon Salazar teaches a life lesson on never giving up on a dream. His dream was to find the black pearl although it brought him bad luck to him.

If your are a person who likes to set goals,then I recommend that you to read the The Black Pearl.

Created By
Gilverto marquez


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