Soldiers Deserve More Johnny Cutter

Here in the United States of America, our soldiers are treated very poorly to other figures in the U.S.. When it comes to making money people who wear football helmets make millions compared to the very few thousands that American Soldiers make. This absolutely blows my mind because they literally risk their lives every single day when they are deployed. Yes, they have benefits but those easily scale when put into comparison of how much they make. They deserve more without a doubt.

As an example, the Army website broke down the annual $29,380 compensation of a military police sergeant into $29,380 for salary, $16,164 for housing, $3,900 for food allowances, $1,800 for special pay, and tax advantages of $2,716.

Our new president, Donald Trump. Says he has a lot of new hopes and ambitions for the U.S. Military. Trump's military will have more troops and more firepower — if he can find more money

I believe it's common sense when it comes to this subject. Soldiers are the first thing we send in, when we have issues outside of the country. In fact, we use them for everything from wild fires, to tornadoes and fighting our wars.

According to many sources, the military will get more and be treated with quality while President Trump is in office. Also, Having General James Mattis as the secretary of defense is a big win for the military and the U.S.

"2016 Military Pay | Military Benefits." N.p., 06 Jan. 2016. Web. 27 Jan. 2017.

"Here’s What A Trump Win Could Mean For Troop Pay Raises." The Daily Caller. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2017.

Kerney, Brian, and "Comparing Military Pay and Benefits To Civilian Jobs." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2017.


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