
As this new year begins, I find myself thanking God for tons of stuff I learned in the last 365 days, being grateful for the people I minister to and enjoy being with. My coaches came quickly to mind.

They hear me all the time say stuff like "thank you", "you're a great leader", " I appreciate you" and the list goes on. But I have to say something else too, which I don't say too often, to my own dismay.

Thank YOU, Matt

Your spouse hears me say this and I'm reminded this passage where King David says that everyone should get the same share after the battle.

The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike. 1 Samuel 30:24

And we battle every week for our kids, our parents, our own families. So if your spouse gets credit for what we accomplish, you should too.

Thank you for your support, your "behind the scene help with the kids", the schedule, the meetings and I could go on. I finish with this other verse I deeply appreciate because it ties to one of our cultural values.

Give to everyone what you owe. Do you owe respect? Then give it. Do you owe honor? Then show it. Romans 13:7

Pst Stephan

Created By
Pst Stephan


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