Good Life at the Harn By Caleb Brown

This is an Untitled sculpture by Arnold Zimmerman. This work's magnitude and definition really fascinated me when I saw it in person and helped me better understand it because of the time it must have taken to create such a large, yet still intricate piece. The alternating color on the ceramic and cohesive pattern molded into really communicated to me that unity doesn't have to be perfect,
The Asian Art Wing's Garden Exhibit was an enclosed area in which they captured many plants that are true to the Asian culture. I find the design of this exhibit appealing because of the path you walk along to view the trees, flowers, and cascading waterfalls. The natural lighting and use of space to make as if the plants are embracing you I admired tremendously. The arrangement was melodic. The flowers blowing in the wind and the sound of the waterfall splashing into the pond created such a serene environment.

This piece is called the Rural Worker. This represents my core value of being hard-working. The simultaneous expression of exhaustion and persistence of the person in this picture helps me explore this value because my family and I growing up had to have that motivation to continue to work for a better life and the life that we deserved. This value has guide me through all of my endeavors such as sports, school, and my relationships with others. This piece gives me pride in my core value because it may take a while and be a climb, but the end result is worth it. This will help me cherish being hard-working because it's a value that my family shares as a whole and gives me confidence that we will survive any obstacle thrown at us.

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