Plastic Pollution More is not always better.

Plastics are one of the main substances harming our environment; If biodegradable plastic can become successful in a busy city such as Virginia Beach, it can spread to many other cities as well

People should get rid of plastics all together. Plastics are highly dangerous to people’s health and the chemicals will cause serious damage to a human’s body if ingested.

Wildlife life spans have dramatically dropped due to plastic.

These poor animals died due to all of the plastic surrounding it, in its environment. If people had used biodegradable substances, there would not be so many unnecessary deaths.

By stopping plastic production, people will be able to help the earth break through the pollution and become green again.

With biodegradable plastics, not only will this problem be erased but animals will be able to safely consume the plastic as well. By using them, people will be getting use out of it while also giving back to the earth.


Created with images by Ben_Kerckx - "waste garbage garbage bag" • byrev - "bottles dump floating" • Benimoto - "Cormorant skull and a heart" • ejaugsburg - "environmental protection nature conservation ecology"

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