エス・ティ・ワイ / sty
2005年に音楽プロデュース業を開始。EXILE、倖田來未、少女時代、三浦大知、Crystal Kay、BoA、宮野真守、三代目 J Soul Brothers、i don’t like mondays、BE:FIRSTなどのヒット曲を多数プロデュースするかたわら、職業作家としての15年分のノウハウを引っさげて「エス・ティ・ワイ」としてファッショナブルなシンガー・ソングライターとしても活動を開始、そのオルタナティヴでアンニュイな音楽性でさらなるファン層を拡げ続け、2021年Spotifyが選ぶCity Pop年間ベスト50曲に自身の楽曲「 接吻マイハート 」が選出され話題に。[受賞歴] 三代目 J Soul Brothers 「R.Y.U.S.E.I.」第56回レコード大賞 / 三代目 J Soul Brothers 「R.Y.U.S.E.I.」2016年 JASRAC賞 金賞 / 三代目 J Soul Brothers「J.S.B. DREAM」Nextone Award 2017 Silver Medal / BE:FIRST「Bye-Good-Bye」第64回レコード大賞優秀賞。
sty [ pronounced as es-tee-wye ] is an award-winning Japanese J-POP music producer based in Tokyo, also a songwriter and a beatmaker who is notable for writing and producing Sandaime J Soul Brothers' no.1 Oricon hit song "R.Y.U.S.E.I." which won the 56th Japan Record Award (2014). He has also written and produced songs for Sandaime J Soul Brothers, SNSD/Girls' Generation, EXILE, Kumi Koda, BoA, BENI, Crystal Kay, Mamoru Miyano, VANNESS WU, Daichi Miura, Tomohisa Yamashita, BE:FIRST, ProducePandas and so on. With 15 years of expertise as a professional music producer, he also began his career as a fashionable singer and songwriter in 2021. His alternative and enigmatic musical style continues to expand his fan base, and his song "Don't Break My Heart" was selected as one of the 50 best City Pop songs of the year by Spotify in 2021.
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株式会社ディグズ・エンタテインメント サケミ
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