7:00 - 8:00 Reception with music, drinks & finger food

8:00 – 8:15 A host will be welcoming the guests and briefing the event

8:15 – 8:45 Dancers will perform individual and group dancing moves ( part 1 )

8:45 – 9:15 Dj playing music

9:15 – 9:30 Football freestyle show

9:30 – 10:00 Dancers will perform individual and group dancing moves ( part 2 )

10:00–10:30 DJ playing music

Event Planning & Execution Proposal

Event name: Cristiano Ronaldo footwear store launch event.

Event planning details: the event is planned to be held in mid of December 2016 at point 90

The event will accommodate 100 guests

Attendees will be celebrities , media and influencers

The duration of the event will be three & half hours.


Swaggers band will be performing their break dancing , popping , locking , b-boying & krumping dancing moves wearing CR7 shoes

A professional football freestyle will be performing his impressive moves with the ball

Waiters will be walking around with shoes placed on trays showing them to the attendees

A drawer will be drawing people and giving them the drawing


Invitation will be sent out to media , celebrities & influencers

Backdrop will can printed as below with the CR7 logo and Ronaldo figure as shown below along with a grey or red carpet placed in front of it

Backdrop setup

Event poster that will be published on social media platforms before the event

Event countdown artwork can be as below

Media will attend the event to cover the opening

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