10 Years From Now Vision Board - Natalia Morales

I will be a college graduate.
I hope to be a successful business woman.
I want to start a restaurant business.
I hope to start a family.
I want to be a home owner.
I will strive to be more health conscious.
I will strive to be financially stable, especially if I have a family.
Mental health will be a priority.
I will travel the world and discover new cultures.
I will finally visit Cuba, the country where my family comes from. I will finally be able to meet my the rest of my family in person and experience my heritage first hand.
I hope to be able to have a career that allows me to utilize my creativity and ideas.
I hope to find love.
I hope to have as many dogs as possible!
I hope to have lifelong friendships.
I already love to cook, but by this time I will be better!


Created with images by Unsplash - "night sky stars long exposure" • 3dman_eu - "white male 3d model isolated" • jarmoluk - "business card contact business cards" • catorze14 - "Restaurant Dues Soles (Vic) | Menjador" • katgrigg - "Family" • mweyl - "victorian style redlands historic" • PublicDomainPictures - "active athletic exercise" • frankieleon - "financially stable" • jill111 - "woman happiness sunrise" • fdecomite - "travel" • Falkenpost - "cuba oltimer havana" • Alexas_Fotos - "idea light bulb enlightenment" • pixelcreatures - "heart castle love" • kim_hester - "rottweiler puppy dog" • Freepht - "tied up togetherness tying" • Leo Hidalgo (@yompyz) - "Cooking"

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