Why the Block Schedule Is horrible

Think about something that you whole deeply in your heart and now imagine you have the thing that you hold so deeply in your heart 900 minutes less and see it every other day that is how the blocking schedule works. Most students in the 6th and 7th grade love the block schedule because you do not have the same teachers everyday. But For other students and teachers they don't really like it as much.

The block schedule should not exist for students in the 8th grade because the block schedules does not have long enough classes throughout the year compared to the traditional schedule because in an online source it stated that “if you have 90 days of your class for about 90 mins this equals to 8,100 minutes compared to the traditional schedule you have 7 class for 50 mins and you get to see your teacher 180 days which equals to 9,000 mins”(Natasha).

Another reason why the block schedule is horrible, is that some students have small attention spans.For beginners students cannot pay attention for 90 mins straight, “by the age of 12 the average human attention span is 22 minutes and for some people it’s even less, this changes very little when teens go to adulthood.Some adolescents can barely pay attention for 15 minutes” (Natasha)

In summary the block schedule does have a effect in student learning and that if the school switches to the traditional schedule it will solve some of these problems. Because of those reason the principal should really consider the traditional schedule.

Work Cited

Hub, Bright. "Block Scheduling vs. Traditional Scheduling: Pros & Cons of a Traditional Seven Period Schedule." Bright Hub. Bright Hub, 25 Oct. 2012. Web. 21 Nov. 2016.

Kelly, Melissa. "Block Scheduling: What Are the Pros and Cons?" About.com Education. N.p., 28 Jan. 2016. Web. 21 Nov. 2016.

Owl Location, Natasha. "What Is High School Block Scheduling? Block vs Traditional Schedules." Owlcation. N.p., 9 June 2016. Web. 21 Nov. 2016.


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