On Friday November 25th, NE NikeWomen Team hosted at EHQ 95 trainers from The Bootcamp Club, our largest training partner in the Netherlands.

During an entire day, we took them through the best of the Nike experience. On top of some The Bootcamp Club own presentations and workout, the day included:

  • Product Education Session
  • NRC Speed Run with Head Coach Jay
  • NTC Mobility with Shane Camaro
  • NTC Endurance with Master Trainer Larz
  • Trialing of the Train Complete and Zoom Strong during both NTC sessions


Led by Jeroen Goldman, the EHQ in-store trainer, the session centered around “Why a Training Shoe?”

During 30 minutes, he showed the key differences between running and training footwear, and presented our latest innovations.

The trainers were eager to learn as they often have to give recommendations to their customers, and sometimes are not even sure about their own footwear. Seeing some of the them stand up during the session in order to be able to read sentences sitting at the bottom of the slides was a clear sign of their attention level.


Nike Coach Jay and 6 pacers led the entire group for a full 1-hour NRC Speed Run on EHQ Track. Under cold but above-all-expectations sunny conditions, many of the trainers who do not have a running background got to learn about interval training and running drills, and how to integrate them within their classes.


The afternoon was spent in the main gym, with 3 workouts. We had also secured 23 trial pairs of Train Complete and Zoom Strong, which we all distributed beforehand. After the first workout, taught by Tarek Othman (Head Trainer of The Bootcamp Club), the group experienced two consecutive NTC Workouts.

Train Complete trial pairs

The first one, NTC Mobility, was given by Shane Camaro. Taking inspiration from the NTC drills and adding some of her own touch, she made a strong impression to the team and demonstrated that NTC Mobility isn't a Nike word for Yoga - turned out to be the hardest workout for several trainers.

Shane Camaro - NTC Mobility

The second NTC workout was on Endurance. It was led by no other than Master Trainer Larz, assisted by Samantha Goos and for her first time with NTC: Anne Gombert. Anne has been an NRC Pacer for a long time, and including her within the scope of NTC had already been envisioned for some time. We look forward to see more of her!

NTC Endurance

The positive and communicative energy of Larz, Sam, and Anne carried the whole team during this last session, and brought this great day to an end!

Master Trainer Larz at work

Overall, we are extremely satisfied with the event! We are convinced that coming to EHQ, the heart of Nike in Europe, and experiencing a day here with us has made these trainers become better brand ambassadors. As of the time of this recap, they have already returned to teaching their classes, bringing with them newly acquired knowledge about the brand, the products, NRC, and NTC. Their feedback has also been very positive, and we've already seen a lot of them posting on social media about it.

We already look forward to the next one!



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