Danyel Juarez principles of business

January 5 2017

How do you get around Windows 10? How do I setup the agenda and journal websites? Using the 16 Personalities test what can I learn about myself? What are some careers in the human resource field that I might be interested in? How do I use Adobe Spark in order to create my journal site?

Sign into google on the Sp page. i learned that i am a caring person and that i am a hot head. I would be intrested in being a lawyer or maybe a surgen. Sign into a google with email.

January 6 2017

What are some careers in Human Resources that I might be interested in?



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January 19 2017

Why is it important to plan what types of jobs your are hiring for? Why is it important to hire the correct person for a job? How can compensation and benefit plans help hire people?

when you plan for a job you have more of an advantage of maybe getting the job because you know a lot more ahead of time. if you didn't hire the right person, we would have random people just working at schools, daycares, and etc. it could help hire people beacuse its a advantage for the person you are hireing.

JANUARY 24 2017

who is your biggest fan?

my biggest fan is myself ive never had no one really growing up so therefore i didnt really have anyone to depend on but MYSELF (:.


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